To be cliché or not, that is the question. I say, regarding the production of Willie Stark that we watched, be cliché! I am specifically referring to the set design of the show. The immovable, bombastic stairs that engulfed the stage; I say keep them. I realize in the context of the performance they are the visual metaphor for “climbing the corporate ladder,” but I think they symbolize more than that.
Like I mentioned in my previous blog, Willie Stark is full of dichotomies and the stairs unite both sides. Donal Henahan’s review describes the stair’s effectiveness by saying, “The staging is unified, though also limited seriously, by a set that is designed around a stage-filled flight of steps, which must suggest at various times a football stadium with it’s torchlight rally, a Southern aristocrat’s salon, the homes of poverty-stricken voters and – most effectively – the assassination scene.” For the most part, I agree with Henahan except for when he describes the set as “limited.” He is not seeing the big picture if he thinks the set is limited. The stairs represent a solid, firm foundation existing in a tumultuous, ever changing world. The stairs are a grounding force that remind people, from all walks of life, that we all share similarities, meaning, we all know right from wrong. The stairs are bombastically simplistic, in the respect that you can decorate them and clean them up, but in the end stairs are stairs. Similar to Willie Stark who came from nothing, and with a little bit of guidance and self-motivation he became bigger than life; a grandiloquent exterior with a tormented interior, living in the fast lane but reminded of his simple roots.
Furthermore, I thought that the stairs provided a foundation for the three doors that set atop them. The three doors represented the choices that people make. Interestingly enough, the opera started out with three doors and by the end, only one door remained, which happened to be the door Willie Stark was assassinated next to. As the Mother Abbess, from the Sound of Music told Maria (talk about cliché), “When God closes one door, he opens another.” In Willie Stark, Mother Abbess would be wrong, wrong, WRONG! Apparently the door or path that Willie Stark chose didn’t open more doors in his life, it shut them. His poor life choices to get ahead left him with fewer and fewer options, hence closing doors. Cliché? Absolutely! Appropriate? I think so.